🔥 Perfect for Tech Startups

Develix minimalistic webflow template

With clean layouts and modern aesthetics, this template is perfect for showcasing your product or service with style and simplicity.

What is included in Develix

Discover the versatility of the Develix Webflow Template, comprising meticulously crafted pages and featuring an extensive selection of dynamic sections.

Whether you're showcasing product features, testimonials, or pricing plans, this template provides a comprehensive framework to bring your vision to life with ease.
13 Pages
40 Sections
30 Styles & Symbols
Figma file included
Send us an email to hello.airframe@gmail.com with your purchase receipt, and we will send you the editable Figma file for the Develix template.

Main pages

other pages

Utility pages

Ready to Elevate Your Website? Let Us Customize Your Template!

Unlock the full potential of your website with our expert customization services. Whether you're a business owner, entrepreneur, or creative, we'll tailor your template to suit your unique vision and goals.

Customized designs tailored to you

Elevate your website effortlessly